16 Aug Jardim das Plantas Doadas

Jardim das Plantas Doadas
when: Daily (Everyday throughout the year)
where: Activism and community use
who uses: Society realm
who does: Squatters/Citizen Activist
why: Ecology, Cultural
how: Appropriation
2020 – Present
Public street
other spaces:
Academia do jardineiro lisboeta
© Andre? Cruz Martins and Matteo Cappello
It is an initiative of a citizen passionate about plants, Nuno Prates, who decided to transform the flowerbed in front of his study / library in to a garden of tropical plants. The initiative of Nuno Prates made sure that the local administration, despite a first negative approach, started a program in which residents can apply and obtain a flowerbed to create their own (public) garden.
For more information about the inciative, click here.
To download the application form, click here.
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