blue bubble

Cozinha Popular da Mouraria

blue bubble

Cozinha Popular da Mouraria

Rua das Olarias 5 / Lisboa

when: Weekly (Tuesday-Saturday dining)

where: Working,  Leisure and Servicies

who uses: Society Realm

who does: Community group/Informal Org.,
Small Scale Entrepreneurs

why: Cultural, Social, Economical

why: Networking,  Appropriation



2012 – Present


Private Building

other spaces:

Jardim da Cerca da Graça (Project “um jardim para todos”)

A special event for the “Santos Populares” hosted in Cozinha Popular da Mouraria

It is a non-profit association whose center is a kitchen open to all those who want to cook and get together. There is no tables ervice: each person picks up their plate and sits wherever they want. Since cooking is a universal language, this project intends above all to involve all the resources existing in the neighborhood and its visitors, to provide a vast encounter of cultures, sharing gastronomy.

More at: cozinhapopular.pt

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